How much does a phony Bishop’s College School degree cost?

Bishop's College School diploma

How much does a phony Bishop’s College School degree cost? Where to get a realistic Bishop’s College School degree and transcript. Bishop’s College School (BCS) is located in Sherbrooke, Quebec, a French-speaking Canadian province. It is the oldest English private school in Quebec and the fourth oldest English private school in Canada. The English Grammar School was established in 1836 by the first president of McGill University, Archbishop George Mountain, Doctor of Law of Oxford, E. Chapman, Master of Arts from Cambridge University, and L. Doolittle, the American preacher. In 1864, the first governor of Canada, Viscount Munch, hailed it as “Canada’s Eton School”. It is currently an English-French bilingual and aristocratic non-profit middle school for grades 7-12. Seven alumni were named Rhodes Scholars. The school building is a registered cultural heritage of Quebec.

Its military youth regiment was established in 1861 and belongs to the Black Guards regiment and the Royal Canadian Military Youth Corps RCAC. During World War I and World War II, more than 800 alumni participated in the war and 127 died. The school has a lot of interaction with the Canadian army and the British royal family. Queen Victoria awarded the Royal Charter in 1853. King George V in 1901, Edward VIII in 1919, George VI in 1939, Queen Elizabeth in 1962, and Prince Philip, the husband of the Queen in 1989, reviewed and commended. It is inspected by the Governor of Canada throughout the year. Many teachers have military ranks. The best website to get a fake Mount Royal University degree.